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Creatures 2

Devil Norns


The first version of the Devil Norns was made by Warbreed and the sprites occupied Norn Slot O. Unfortunately, only the sprites for the adult life stage existed, so they looked grown up even when just hatched from the egg. Mixed with other sprite the norns looked often strange until life stage adult.

The new version of the Devil Norns contains now sprites for all life stages, baby, child, adult and old. Additionally, there where some errors in the original sprites to be eliminated and I decided to give them a bit a longer tail. Therefore a new set of body data had to be created. Sprites occupy now Geat Slot D.


Download all files.
Unzip all files.
Put files with extension ".s16" in the folder"Images"
Put files with extension".att" in the folder "Body Data "
Put files with extension".egg" in the folder "Eggs"
Start the game and hatch your first Devil Norn egg.

download sprites male Devil Norn
download sprites female Devil Norn
download dody data + eggs


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Winged Golden Deserts
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