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Creatures 3

The Mercury Norns

Original idea and Breed: BioStorm

The Mercury Norns were one of the first ones I thought about to bring into my "Pimp my Breed" Action, cause the breed didn't come with female Sprites. The females just used the same as the male did. So I wanted to add female breed sprites in order to be able to distinguish between sexes.

And now, since the Butterfly Norns got written on the same breed slot, I thought it being high time something happening with the Mercury Norns and while I was working on them, to put them also onto a unused breed slot.

The new version of the Mercury Norns uses Slot Ettin H and comes with a new set of female sprites! Installation is easy: just download the file, unzip it and put it in your "my agents" folder. Start the game, let the egg layer machine lay the first Mercury Norn egg and all the needed files get installed automatically.

The Mercury Norns genome bases on the Chichi genome, however, they are amphibious.

And not to forget to mention the following credits:
BioStorm - the creator of the original Norns
Donutking and Guflor - without those two the breeds from BioStorm probably would have been lost for the community. The original can still be found on their site "Cave of Creatures" where they get hosted.
MadDoc and Mummy - last but not least, I quickly needed testers and they agreed immediately!

Download of the new version of the Mercury Norns


with Sprites:
Blackberry Norns
Curiosa Norns
Fire Norns
Gargoyle Norns
Jungle Norns
Kunterbunt Norns
Mercury Norns
Poodle Ettins
Shiny Bengal Norns
Trident Norns
Undine Norns
without Sprites:
Konnichiwa Norns
Weekly Freaks




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